Ok so I think it's time that I admit to myself that I would like to start a Blog…
Could be the new hobby I have been looking for!
So my hesitations/rebuttals are as follows…
I don't think that writing is my forte - People have told me that I type (emails and texts) the way that I talk…. So that might not be so hard to read :) Plus it will be more about the content than the grammer!
Who the hell is going to read my blog anyway?? - Who the hell cares! haha
What am I going to write about everyday? - I really wanted to start a photo blog anyway, so I'll give myself photo assignments, and along with that might come a story that I want to share :)
Will my photos be good enough to post? - See above… Who the hell cares?! ha! I can post photos and write about what I struggled with or how I succeeded on the photos!
I am already inspiring myself! Wooohoo!
Will it look good and be user friendly? - Over time when I learn and figure out how to do it properly! I can always add and change the more I learn and figure out.
How can I afford to buy all the groceries and cook all the food that I want to Photograph? - Over time, I can mix and match, build my supplies and what not. I can also categorize so it is just a daily blog not necessarily all about food, and I can always rearrange it.
How do I bring my camera everywhere that I want to take pictures? - Suck it up and carry it! And remember that once I start taking pictures my surroundings disappear and I'm just looking through the lens. I am already walking around feeling like I'm looking through the lens everyday now :)
Ok done. Inspired. Here we go!!
Oh, P.S. I'm adding a photo I took just for sh*ts and giggles.